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20th November 2024 By MRSC


The Annual General Meeting of the Munster Rugby Supporters Club will take place at the MRSC Bar, Thomond Park at 2:45PM, Saturday December 7th before the Stade Francais game.

The Annual General Meeting of the Munster Rugby Supporters Club will take place at the MRSC Bar, Thomond Park at 2:45PM, Saturday December 7th before the Stade Francais game.

The AGM provides the platform for the year for the MRSC and gives you the chance to shape our club. We will feature updates from Munster Rugby and the MRSC Committee on the day.

Nominations for the position of club secretary and Committee members of the club along with motions for consideration, can be submitted by 22nd November.

Please note:

1)      Only Full members of the Club are eligible to attend the meeting and eligible to seek election to the MRSC Committee

2)      Each nomination will require a proposer and seconder both of whom are full members of the club.

3)      In the event of the number of nominations not exceeding the number of committee places, proposals may be taken from the floor on the day of the AGM.

4)      In the event of the number of nominations being equal to the number of places on the committee, no election shall be required.

Please submit motions for consideration and/or nominations on or before the 22nd November to mrscchair@munsterrugby.ie.


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