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West Stand, Thomond Park Stadium.



From Blue Gate, continue beyond the former UL Bohemian Bar, turn right to Door 21 and follow the stairwell.

From LIT:

Proceed towards the former UL Bohemian Bar, turn left to Door 21, and follow the stairwell.

Wheelchair Access:

Lift next to Door 28 at the North end of the Stadium.

In addition to the stadium terms and in order to maintain the facility at peak condition, MRSC and Thomond Park Stadium would ask that members cooperate with the following conditions:

  • MRSC Membership Cards and Valid match tickets are required for entrance on Matchday. Members are permitted 1 guest (Guest must have a match ticket).
  • Those with seats in the West Stand will be scanned at the door, please cooperate with the Stewards.
  • Smoking or Vaping is not permitted in the facility. To assist in maintaining the facility, gum is not permitted.
  • Please refrain from resting feet against the walls and pillars.

MRSC and Thomond Park Stadium thank you for your continued support and cooperation with Staff, Stewards and Volunteers.

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