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MRSC Monster Munster Quiz Final!

5th May 2016 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club

MRSC Monster Munster Quiz Final!

The culmination of rounds played all over Munster and even London is here with the Grand Final of the MRSC Monster Munster Quiz taking place this Saturday after Munster v Scarlets at 6pm.

The culmination of rounds played all over Munster and even London is here with the Grand Final of the MRSC Monster Munster Quiz taking place this Saturday after Munster v Scarlets at 6pm.

The final is due to take place in the MRSC Bar between 6 and 8pm where 14 tables of round winners from all over will compete not only against each other, but against a table of Munster squad members Dave Kilcoyne, Keith Earls, Ian Keatley and Duncan Casey too! We have some fantastic prizes up for grabs for our winners so competition is sure to be fierce.

MRSC Members not taking part in the Quiz itself are welcome to use the bar facilities post match but please be aware that a section of the bar will be reserved to host the final.

All proceeds from the Quiz will be going to two fantastic charities – Headway, Brain Injury Services and Support and CMRF Crumlin, the principal fundraising body for Crumlin's Childrens Hospital.

The MRSC would like to thank the following for their backing in the operation of the Monster Quizzes;

A big thank you to Smithwicks for their sponsorship of the Quiz.
Sean Cuddihy and his team at Nationalgameshows.com for preparting and presenting the quizzes.
Our venues – Knox's (Clare) Three Shippes (Waterford) Brownes (Kerry) Clancys (Cork), Bentleys (London) and the MRSC Bar (Limerick) and their staff members
Munster sponsors Life Style Sports for the provision of spot prizes
Diageo and Masterchef who will be assisting with refreshments for the final.

May the best County win!


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