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Why Do You Renew Your Membership to the MRSC?

5th May 2017 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club

Why Do You Renew Your Membership to the MRSC?

This week we ran a flash competition through our Red Letter and asked our members why they renew their membership to the MRSC year on year. Here is what they said…

This week we ran a flash competition through our Red Letter and asked our members why they renew their membership to the MRSC year on year. Here is what they said…

Though we never intended to publish the answers, we were blown away by some of the responses so we decided to share just some of the hundreds of reasons our loyal members gave as to why they renew their membership to the Munster Rugby Supporters Club.

If you would like to add your support as a member for the upcoming Season and join in on the rollercoaster that is being a member of the MRSC family please click here. Competition winners have been announced below.

I renew my Munster Rugby Supporters Club membership because, being from and living in Galway, it's a way of being connected to the team I adore. I live across from a rugby club in Galway and never paid any attention to rugby until I turned the TV on one day 14 years ago and saw Munster playing. I fell in love at that moment with the men in red. In the last 14 years I have just grown to love the culture that surrounds rugby in Munster, how it is the great equaliser between rich and poor, crossing all divides. Despite the taunts and insults I get for being a Galway woman supporting Munster, I stay true to the team that holds my heart!

A sold out Thomond Park is like no place on earth. I want to do my part to ensure I'm a part of it as much as possible throughout the season.

I first joined the supporters club in the late 90's. Back then there were a limited number of members and a waiting list to join. It was a privilege to be a member. Today membership is open to all, but for me it's as much a privilege to be a member now as it was then. Munster Rugby had brought me to places geographically and emotionally that I could not have visited without them. I hope to be a member for many years to come!

I want to be there to support in person, to lift the team if I can.

My reasons for renewing is I have been a member since I first came to Ireland in 2001. First as an Associate then a Full Member. My son has grown up from a 4 year old to a full adult member of 19. Yes we have had some great victory’s and some big disappointments. But for me it’s the friendship, the banter, the actually game of rugby. Yes its nice to win and collect trophy’s, but it’s the friendships over the years that keep us renewing our tickets every year.

I renew to be part of the club. We are stronger together.

For me, renewing isn't even a decision its just a given. My daughter and I are both members. Obviously being able to offer some support to the academy etc is a big reason but being a member really makes me feel like a part of Munster Rugby.

My reason for renewing year-on-year is that Munster Rugby is a family – and loyalty is key in families. We're there for each other through thick and thin – in the good times and the bad. Families are on the sideline in the lashing rain of October as well as the sun-filled summer evenings. Families are there when you enjoy your greatest victories or suffer your greatest defeats. And families are there when everyone else says you can't do it – and they believe that you can. And you do.

The Sense of Community — MRSC has developed a rich and supportive community and the members enjoy and reap the benefits of being part of this special community. There is a sense of inclusion that offers collaboration, support, and like-minded values and members feel a strong bond to other members and to the team on the pitch. They MRSC Supporters are like Muskateers and believe in the “one for all” and “all for one” virtues that our team espouses on the pitch and we try and emulate on the terrace or the stands.

Tried for tickets year on year
An odd one here an odd one there
Watched from home more oft than not
On waiting list we got a spot!!!

So why do we renew each year???
To cheer and cheer and cheer and cheer
Proud fans we are and here to stay
This 16th Man will have her say

The reason I am and will continue to be a member of the MRSC is down to my love of Munster and rugby. It feels like been a member of a second family. The comradery and crac that can be had at a Munster game is second to none. No team compares to Munster. We truly are the greatest team with the greatest fans which was in abundance against Saracens with the sea of red that invaded Dublin. It shouldn't be a question of why one should become a member of the MRSC, the question should be why would one not become a member of the MRSC.

To be honest, I thought about not renewing. Funds were a little tighter this year. But it felt like I would be letting a friend or family member down. It really did. So of course I renewed.

My reason each year for renewing is in honour of my Mom, who passed away in 2007 and for who, the family bought a double stone outside the front of Thomond Park in her memory. So each year, it gives us all great pleasure coming to the matches in Thomond Park, to be part of this great family and remember our wonderful Mom, who was a great supporter of Munster. Here's to many more years of supporting this great club.

I have renewed my season ticket again this year, not simply for my passion for all things Munster Rugby but even better now, at 8 my son now has a season seat beside me, he reads and keeps all programmes and knows more about the players than I ever will!

I renew my membership year on year because Munster is not just rugby but a way of life that I am very much a part of.

Reason for renewing: Loyalty, Pride and Passion.

I renew my Munster supporters club membership every year because it connects me to something as strong as family and we all need family in our lives.

I sign up every year because I am part of Munster and Munster is a part of me.

Munster Rugby, a State of Mind – more than the sum of its parts! MRSC is the best way to support our team.

I renew year on year as I love nothing more than to go see my beloved Munster play. During off season I'm counting down the days until the pre-season starts up again. I am from Cork and drive to the games myself hail, rain or snow and usually meet up with friends at the stadium. I've followed Munster all over Europe and I've even managed to get my friends hooked on rugby and when they can they also come join me at the games! I've made so many friends down through the years with the MRSC and each year I meet new friends from just attending the matches and I absolutely love it! They all feel the passion and excitement that I do on match day so it's great to be among such great friends.

I have retained my season ticket through thick and thin over the last few years, and now the prospect of success makes next seasons PRO12 and Champions Cup all the more exciting. It's been a roller coaster of a decade, and I for one am exciting about the upturn in positive match out come, the crowds returning to games, and the rebuilding of the fortress that is Thomond Park.

I renew year on year because its where I belong. My kids were put straight into the Junior Club as soon as they were born, both haven't missed a renewal and will be able to say they were members for life. We as a family share the match day experiences, look back on the memories created, and look forward to the ones to come. We are part of the Munster Family, and Munster is ingrained in our family.

I love following Munster because of the passion of the crowd and the great friends we make just sitting beside fellow Munsters. The singing of the MRSC choir and the crowd, the beating drums to stir the passion and the soul and the always honest endeavour of the team on the field carrying our hopes and dreams on their sturdy and gallant shoulders.

My reason for renewing my Season ticket is plain and simple; to be part of the Munster family, get behind the team, and soak up the unique match day atmosphere at Thomand Park. It's what other clubs want to achieve. Long may it continue.

Because I renewed last year,
And the year before that,
And the year before that,
And the year before that,
And the year before that….

I renew each year as I will be forever grateful for the joy and sense of comraderie I get every time I enter Thomond Park , through the good and not so good days.

Why do I renew my membership every year despite living abroad for nearly 30 years? I am renewing for many reasons:- Munster Rugby is a connection to home. No matter who Munster play they show commitment and give their all. The players give their all for themselves, the team, the jersey but most of all for the fans. Win or lose, even if we much prefer winning, we Munster fans always show respect for the opposing team. No one individual is Munster Rugby. Munster Rugby is the sum of many, club, players, fans and community. I am renewing because of all the fabulous days out they have given us this season ; Leicester, Glasgow, the Maoris and the semi final. For taking me to towns and cities I would never have probably visited through the years. For Adventure, Fun, Comradeship, Pride and Passion.

The joy I receive from Munster Rugby knows no bounds, on good or bad days. The MRSC make being part of that even easier with access to tickets, information and events. The information supplied makes home and away trips so simple and makes our lives in supporting Munster and supporting the future with our Academy (B&I Champions) so easy.

My reason for renewing my Membership for the last 7 years is because Munster game day is my favourite day of the week, the anticipation and excitement the day of the game is brilliant! Arriving into Limerick to see Thomond Park in the distance and the short walk up with the rest of the Supporters is top class. Each and every game no matter the result the players give it their all, we could not ask for better! I look forward to it every time and will for a long time to come!

Thank you to all our members who entered the competition, it was great to hear your thoughts and get a reminder of what makes this club so special. The winners are as below:

Prize 1: Two tickets with pre and post match hospitality including meal to Munster v Connacht PLUS overnight accomodation in the Maldron Hotel, Limerick. Winner: Mariae Duggan
Prize 2: Two tickets plus two spaces in the flag bearing Guard of Honour pitchside at Munster v Connacht. Winner: Janet Kelly


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