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The Giant Draw – February Winners!

6th March 2015 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club

The Giant Draw – February Winners!

Our final Giant Draw of the season was a stand out in more ways than one…

Our final Giant Draw of the season was a stand out in more ways than one…

Colm Morrissey from Limerick, pictured below, was the lucky member who scooped the top prize of 2,000 euros in the last Giant Draw of the Season!


"I was delighted to get the call from Ciara at the MRSC. I think its great to be able to support the MRSC and Munster Rugby in developing the team, local talent and the sport of rugby. What am I going to spend the money on? Bringing the family to Thomond Park now they are old enough and maybe one or two excursions into Europe next season might be in order."

Congratulations to Colm again – he wasn't the only member to get some good news this month – David Lohan from Galway won a whopping seven of our 11 remaining prizes for that month! That is definitely one for the Giant Draw history books, and it just goes to show again how winnable this draw is – a definite incentive to renew membership again next month! David who is a born and bred Galwegian is a big Munster fan:

"I support the raffle as it supports the Munster Academy and more recently the renovation of the Red Shed in Irish Independent Park. It is nice not to get wet at games! As it is a confined draw entering the Giant Draw make the odds more favourable… Over the years I have had some very good wins, notably a trip for 2 to Perpignan (beating the French with 4 tries was priceless), flights to England and a Tag Heuer watch. I have never won the top prize and last month thought that I might have a good chance so I invested in extra tickets. While I did not win the top prize I was very surprised to win seven prizes. I believe supporting the raffle is a great way of supporting the future of Munster Rugby.

Personally I love the Munster Rugby motto "To The Brave And Faithful Nothing Is Impossible." What Munster Rugby has achieved goes far beyond logic. To be the second most successful team in the European Champions Cup history in terms of games won could not have been envisioned when the competition was launched."

Our other lucky winners were –

Mike Curran who will be spending two nights in the stunning 5* G Hotel, Galway
Sean Lehane who can surf the web for all things Munster with his new iPad mini
Seamus Ryan who will be kitted out with a 100e voucher for Lifestyle Sports
Colette O'Hea will be jetting off next season with an 100e voucher for Munster Sports Travel.

That's all for this season, keep an eye on the website in the next few weeks as we will be revealing the amazing prizes we have lined up for you for next season. If you or your company are interested in sponsoring a prize for the Giant Draw please get in touch with ciaralyons@munsterrugby.ie for more information.


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