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My Day as Mascot – Madison O’Neill

5th December 2016 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club

My Day as Mascot – Madison O’Neill

Madison entered our last Junior Club Email Competition and was the lucky winner pulled from a hat to be the Mascot at Munster’s last home game v Treviso on November 26th. She tells us about her experience here..

Madison entered our last Junior Club Email Competition and was the lucky winner pulled from a hat to be the Mascot at Munster’s last home game v Treviso on November 26th. She tells us about her experience here..

"I was so happy to hear that I was picked to be mascot for the Munster V Treviso, my dad phoned me after school on Tuesday and I was so excited and couldn't sleep all week waiting for the match!

On Saturday we met Kerry in Lifestyle sports where I got my Munster Kit. I put it on straight away and was ready for the match. The girls in the shop took a picture with me and Mark, everybody was looking at us and it made me feel really important, I then got to see the match programme and my picture was in it! Then we went into reception where we met Mike Sherry and Sean McCarthy and we had our pictures taken with them.


We then met Elaine, the events manager, who told us what we would be doing and where we would be going, Kerry took us down to the players tunnel and we watched as the players went out onto the pitch, I even got a thumbs up from Ian Keatley!

I could hear Sarah Dolan sing Stand Up And Fight and then heard the crowd cheer. Once the players had gone out onto the pitch to warm up we went inside the players changing room, we saw all the jerseys hanging up, with the jaffa cakes and big bags of wine gums for the players.


We then left the changing rooms and waited for the players to come back in, they all passed looking ready for the match. Felix Jones came over to us and said best of luck and shook my hand, then my dad left to go pitch side and wait for me, we stood next to the door and Tommy O'Donnell came out and took my hand.

We walked out on to the pitch and every body cheered, I could hear the crowd shout "MUNSTER MUNSTER!", and we had our pictures taken. Tommy then ran off to the rest of the players and me and my Dad went back down the players tunnel and went to our seats and watched the match.

I had a great day, thank you so much for picking me!



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