Competition Time : Munster Friendly Bars in North America
24th April 2014 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club

Do you have a favorite bar/pub in the USA or Canada to watch Munster games in?
Do you have a favorite bar/pub in the USA or Canada to watch Munster games in?
We need your help to create a comprehensive list of Munster Friendly bars across North America. Please send an e-mail to with the following details;
Bar Name
Website Address
City and State
Full mailing address, phone number, and Facebook link of the bar are preferred but not essential.
Each person who supplies this info for a bar will be entered in to a draw for Munster paraphernalia including jackets, baseball caps, snoods, and key chains. You get an entry to the draw for each bar you send us info on so send in details on as many different bars as you can.
Bonus Entry: If you get the bar website to include a link to our Facebook page or website we will give you a second free entry to the draw.
Spread the word and enjoy watching the Munster games with more fans.