Munster Mobro Capt Johne Murphy Calls On Red Army
2nd November 2012 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club

The Irish Movember campaign is back for its 5th and biggest year yet. Men across Munster prepare to celebrate the month by offering up their upper lip as a billboard for men’s health. Johne Murphy, Munster Mobro Captain, has called on all Munster Rugby Supporters to grow you’re Mo for Movember. "If we could get the Supporters involved with us and have a massive team all working together, it would be a fantastic Movember" All the money raised in Ireland goes directly to the Irish Cancer Society
The Irish Movember campaign is back for its 5th and biggest year yet. Men across Munster prepare to celebrate the month by offering up their upper lip as a billboard for men’s health. Johne Murphy, Munster Mobro Captain, has called on all Munster Rugby Supporters to grow you’re Mo for Movember. "If we could get the Supporters involved with us and have a massive team all working together, it would be a fantastic Movember" All the money raised in Ireland goes directly to the Irish Cancer Society