Reminder Mrsc Stage Payment Dates
20th June 2012 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club

We would like to take this oppurtunity to remind all our members, who took the option of the 3-Stage Payment option at renewals that the Second Stage Payment is due for JULY 3RD. The third stage payment will then be requested on AUGUST 3RD. Second Stage Payment Due – July 3rd Third Stage Payment Due – August 3rd Filed By GF 250612
We would like to take this oppurtunity to remind all our members, who took the option of the 3-Stage Payment option at renewals that the Second Stage Payment is due for JULY 3RD. The third stage payment will then be requested on AUGUST 3RD. Second Stage Payment Due – July 3rd Third Stage Payment Due – August 3rd Filed By GF 250612