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Membership Renewals – Queries Raised By Members

22nd March 2010 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club

Membership Renewals – Queries Raised By Members

We realise that the renewal process and information regarding it will seem quite detailed this year as a number of features are new. However this upgrading will ensure that the renewal process in future years will be far simpler. A lot of the new features are in response to members requests. As all supporters club memberships are single memberships, this upgrading is being completed to allow members to sit with family and friends at matches and will benefit members greatly on an on-going basis. We expect that the system will be very easily understood when members come to renew and these explanations and emails will be then be easily understood but may be more difficult to comprehend before then. Below are some queries received from members together with responses which may be of assistance to other members. You may also wish to read other News Items with Renewal Information including: Membership Renewals – Seating Next to Another Member Membership Renewals – Information Membership Renewals – Dates membership Renewals – Ticket Prices We will add to these as and when further queries are received. 13. I reserved tickets last week and when I try to renew now, I am not now able to select better tickets Reserving tickets was to allow members to purchase the tickets they had last year when they wanted to purchase some of what they had and not all. If you do not now wish to purchase the tickets you reserved, do not renew until after 15:00 on Monday 12th at which time all reserved tickets will be unreserved and available to all members to purchase. You will be able to select from the tickets available at that time 12. The balance from my ticket account was not visible when I went to renew Unfortunately, the ticket account balances which we received from Ticketmaster via the Ticket Office did not include credits in respect of the Llanelli match. The corrected data was received on Thursday afternoon and has been uploaded to the members data. Twenty six members had already renewed and will be contacted by the Supporters Club office. 11. What will happen any sales through TicketExchange for later in season Such monies can be used against purchases through your ticket account. Alternatively, against renewals for 2011/12 10. We have three seats together for the Magners League. If we do not reserve, what is the chance of three better tickets being available next week when renewals fully opens up on Wednesday 7th We do not know. This is totally dependant upon the number of existing members who do not renew or reserve their existing tickets. It may be that three people on front row do not renew. Equally, it may be that no-one in a seat lower down than yours does not renew and by the time you log in to purchase, one of the tickets you have not renewed has been purchased. 9. If I am reserving a ticket, does that mean I need to renew twice – once when I reserve and again when selecting other tickets? No. You will renew once. If reserving, you will not complete your renewal. You will merely reserve your ticket and will purchase when renewing between 7th and 9th April. 8. I have been selected as a Lead Purchaser by three other members. Do I need to do anything now? I cannot see this when I log in and Update Details? You do not need to do anything at this time. It is not visible to you when you log in. However, when you go to purchase tickets or renew (when the time comes), you will be able to purchase on behalf of the four of you. 7. I am near the top of the Associate List. Should I wait to be offered full membership and then select my ticket preferences The number of associate members to be offered full membership will not be known until the end of the renewal period when it can be established how many full members have not renewed. To ensure best seat for Magners League matches, you should renew your membership as early as possible and select your preferred season ticket. If you are subsequently offered full membership, you will be able to purchase a Heineken Cup ticket from the tickets remaining. If you are offered full membership and have not purcahsed a season ticket, you will need to purchase a Magners Season Ticket from the tickets remaining available at end of April. 6. If we do not reserve our existing stand tickets, will there be stand tickets available when membership opens on 7th April All Heineken Cup stand tickets are currently allocated to members. If all members, except you, select to renew their existing seats, then only your two tickets will be available for all members to purchase at 10.00a.m. on 7th April. However, based upon previous years, the liklihood of this happening is remote. Based upon last season, there should be tickets not renewed in each category which will be available on 7th. The liklihood is even less for Magners league stand tickets. If you want two together, then the recommendation would be to set up a Lead Purchaser and renew as close as possible to 10.00a.m. on 7th to ensure best selection of available tickets. 5. We have seats together and so note that we need not do a Lead Purchaser arrangement. We would like to purchase together for away matches and any knock-out match tickets that may arise Members will have the opportunity to select a Lead Purchaser at another date for such match tickets. The closing date of 24 March is just so as not to compromise the renewal procedure. You may still elect to nominate one of you as Lead Purchaser for both to see how the system works as it will be similar for ticket sales in future. 4. Last season, I was unable to purchase a stand ticket as they were all sold out. Can I get a stand ticket this season If you are not renewing your existing seating , and If you have a preference for best choice of ticket, we recommend that you renew your membership as soon as membership opens as tickets are available on a first come first served basis. It is expected that membership will open at 10.00 on Wednesday 7th April for existing members. In the unlikely event that, for example, all existing Musgrave Park uncovered stand tickets are retained by existing members, then there will be no such tickets available for other members. 3. Can an existing member (member A)at time of renewal purchase associate membership for a new member (Member B) and select seating together for both A and B. Hopefully. We hope to have this feature within the renewal process. We will be able to confirm by 29th March. 2. A Lead purchaser nominated himself now the following message is showing: *** INCOMPLETE ENTRY *** The lead purchaser you are attempting to nominate has already set another member as their lead purchaser The member should reset his own lead purchaser to 0 – i.e. this member does not want anyone to act as his lead purchaser. 1. Member X and Member Y would like to keep their existing seats but add a new member, is it possible for a lead purchaser to add a new membership for someone and purchase adjacent seats? Without checking existing seating allocations for this season, it is most likley that the seats adjacent to you and your wife were purchased by other members. It is also probable/possible that such members will renew their existing seats. In such a situation, the seats next to you will not be available for your daughter to purchase to ensure seating together. In the event that one of the people next to you does not renew, the seat is then available on first come first served basis. To ensure seating together of two (or more) members who are currently not seated together, you should not repurchase or reserve your existing seat but select from available seats when membership opens for all in the second week. If you do this as soon as membership goes open, then the best selection of tickets will be available. As question 3 above, we hope that existing members will be able to join a new member at the same time during renewals and so purchase seats together. Filed by T 220310 Updated 010410

We realise that the renewal process and information regarding it will seem quite detailed this year as a number of features are new. However this upgrading will ensure that the renewal process in future years will be far simpler. A lot of the new features are in response to members requests. As all supporters club memberships are single memberships, this upgrading is being completed to allow members to sit with family and friends at matches and will benefit members greatly on an on-going basis. We expect that the system will be very easily understood when members come to renew and these explanations and emails will be then be easily understood but may be more difficult to comprehend before then. Below are some queries received from members together with responses which may be of assistance to other members. You may also wish to read other News Items with Renewal Information including: Membership Renewals – Seating Next to Another Member Membership Renewals – Information Membership Renewals – Dates membership Renewals – Ticket Prices We will add to these as and when further queries are received. 13. I reserved tickets last week and when I try to renew now, I am not now able to select better tickets Reserving tickets was to allow members to purchase the tickets they had last year when they wanted to purchase some of what they had and not all. If you do not now wish to purchase the tickets you reserved, do not renew until after 15:00 on Monday 12th at which time all reserved tickets will be unreserved and available to all members to purchase. You will be able to select from the tickets available at that time 12. The balance from my ticket account was not visible when I went to renew Unfortunately, the ticket account balances which we received from Ticketmaster via the Ticket Office did not include credits in respect of the Llanelli match. The corrected data was received on Thursday afternoon and has been uploaded to the members data. Twenty six members had already renewed and will be contacted by the Supporters Club office. 11. What will happen any sales through TicketExchange for later in season Such monies can be used against purchases through your ticket account. Alternatively, against renewals for 2011/12 10. We have three seats together for the Magners League. If we do not reserve, what is the chance of three better tickets being available next week when renewals fully opens up on Wednesday 7th We do not know. This is totally dependant upon the number of existing members who do not renew or reserve their existing tickets. It may be that three people on front row do not renew. Equally, it may be that no-one in a seat lower down than yours does not renew and by the time you log in to purchase, one of the tickets you have not renewed has been purchased. 9. If I am reserving a ticket, does that mean I need to renew twice – once when I reserve and again when selecting other tickets? No. You will renew once. If reserving, you will not complete your renewal. You will merely reserve your ticket and will purchase when renewing between 7th and 9th April. 8. I have been selected as a Lead Purchaser by three other members. Do I need to do anything now? I cannot see this when I log in and Update Details? You do not need to do anything at this time. It is not visible to you when you log in. However, when you go to purchase tickets or renew (when the time comes), you will be able to purchase on behalf of the four of you. 7. I am near the top of the Associate List. Should I wait to be offered full membership and then select my ticket preferences The number of associate members to be offered full membership will not be known until the end of the renewal period when it can be established how many full members have not renewed. To ensure best seat for Magners League matches, you should renew your membership as early as possible and select your preferred season ticket. If you are subsequently offered full membership, you will be able to purchase a Heineken Cup ticket from the tickets remaining. If you are offered full membership and have not purcahsed a season ticket, you will need to purchase a Magners Season Ticket from the tickets remaining available at end of April. 6. If we do not reserve our existing stand tickets, will there be stand tickets available when membership opens on 7th April All Heineken Cup stand tickets are currently allocated to members. If all members, except you, select to renew their existing seats, then only your two tickets will be available for all members to purchase at 10.00a.m. on 7th April. However, based upon previous years, the liklihood of this happening is remote. Based upon last season, there should be tickets not renewed in each category which will be available on 7th. The liklihood is even less for Magners league stand tickets. If you want two together, then the recommendation would be to set up a Lead Purchaser and renew as close as possible to 10.00a.m. on 7th to ensure best selection of available tickets. 5. We have seats together and so note that we need not do a Lead Purchaser arrangement. We would like to purchase together for away matches and any knock-out match tickets that may arise Members will have the opportunity to select a Lead Purchaser at another date for such match tickets. The closing date of 24 March is just so as not to compromise the renewal procedure. You may still elect to nominate one of you as Lead Purchaser for both to see how the system works as it will be similar for ticket sales in future. 4. Last season, I was unable to purchase a stand ticket as they were all sold out. Can I get a stand ticket this season If you are not renewing your existing seating , and If you have a preference for best choice of ticket, we recommend that you renew your membership as soon as membership opens as tickets are available on a first come first served basis. It is expected that membership will open at 10.00 on Wednesday 7th April for existing members. In the unlikely event that, for example, all existing Musgrave Park uncovered stand tickets are retained by existing members, then there will be no such tickets available for other members. 3. Can an existing member (member A)at time of renewal purchase associate membership for a new member (Member B) and select seating together for both A and B. Hopefully. We hope to have this feature within the renewal process. We will be able to confirm by 29th March. 2. A Lead purchaser nominated himself now the following message is showing: *** INCOMPLETE ENTRY *** The lead purchaser you are attempting to nominate has already set another member as their lead purchaser The member should reset his own lead purchaser to 0 – i.e. this member does not want anyone to act as his lead purchaser. 1. Member X and Member Y would like to keep their existing seats but add a new member, is it possible for a lead purchaser to add a new membership for someone and purchase adjacent seats? Without checking existing seating allocations for this season, it is most likley that the seats adjacent to you and your wife were purchased by other members. It is also probable/possible that such members will renew their existing seats. In such a situation, the seats next to you will not be available for your daughter to purchase to ensure seating together. In the event that one of the people next to you does not renew, the seat is then available on first come first served basis. To ensure seating together of two (or more) members who are currently not seated together, you should not repurchase or reserve your existing seat but select from available seats when membership opens for all in the second week. If you do this as soon as membership goes open, then the best selection of tickets will be available. As question 3 above, we hope that existing members will be able to join a new member at the same time during renewals and so purchase seats together. Filed by T 220310 Updated 010410


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